Terms of Service

Dymmer provides a sales and domain management service. When registering in the system you will be asked for consent and acceptance of these terms (or conditions) of the service provided.

Domain purchase

The purchase of the domain is done before wholesale suppliers. These providers have their own conditions and depending on the acquired domain, specific circumstances could be met. Keep in mind that failure to meet one or more of your requirements may lead to the loss of the domain.

Dymmer is not liable for the loss of a domain by ICANN’s own action, the wholesaler for which it is hired or other governmental bodies or not that may cease the activity of the same.

The providers and their terms of service:


It is possible to manage DNS zones from domains acquired from other providers from Dymmer. According to the plan acquired by the user, it will have more or less number of zones and with more or less characteristics. You can see more information in the Plans section.

An essential requirement to be able to register a zone is the configuration of the name servers (NS) in the domain according to those available for Dymmer:

If the domain has this configuration it will be possible to proceed with the registration of the zone. This check will be done frequently. If the change of name servers is detected, the zone will be disabled and deleted after 7 days.

E-Mail Service

The email system provides a complete solution for sending and receiving emails either by configuring redirects to an existing email account or real mailboxes and stored on the servers of Dymmer.

The email service does not allow the fraudulent use of it including sending spam (unsolicited junk mail). Any detection of fraudulent use or against active laws may lead to the closure of the service.

Likewise, the user is responsible for configuring passwords strong enough to guarantee that their email system is not accessible by any other malicious system.

Dymmer maintains a high security system and guarantees the non-feasibility of attackers to obtain by force brute the passwords of the email service as well as the reception of viruses and / or emails of scams recognized by their security systems but is not responsible for the loss of information generated by incidents related to this type of activity or by correct access to your email inbox.


Invoices in the system are made for monthly consumption. If during the month the purchase of a domain or service has been made, the expense made will be recorded and will be included in the invoice for the month. This invoice is generated the first day of the following month and is accessible through the platform in the billing section.


You will be included after registering in a news list where you will be notified of updates, new versions, improvements and offers from Dymmer. Keep in mind that Dymmer is a site in constant development and its improvements are very frequent. However, we try to simplify and issue only one weekly message at most.

Income and withdrawals of funds

Once the deposit has been made it can not normally be canceled. Circumstances can arise whereby the money can be returned to the consumer through the payment platform that has been used, paying the costs that the platform considers necessary.

If part of the money has been used, the rest can not be withdrawn unless it exceeds 10€.

Remove Personal Data

In order to be processed the withdrawal and complete elimination of your data must have eliminated all registered domains and remain in the basic plan.

All information for commercial use will be removed from our systems and we will only keep your information in the invoices generated in your name in case you have generated any.

Domain providers can keep your information for some time longer as contacts. Dymmer is responsible for performing a periodic data search and deletion but we can not guarantee that the provider can maintain that information for any other reason.

If you wish, you can request this removal directly from this provider. Keep in mind that the owner contacts of a domain can not be modified in terms of name and identification or deleted. The domain must first be canceled and the procedure may take a while.

Update and change of these terms

These terms of service, like the website, can and should change to add more legal information about the use of each of the elements of the service.

Dymmer reserves the right to modify, update, delete or add information to these terms that will be automatically accepted while continuing to use the service provided.